> Story Driven Animation
At King Bee Entertainment - It's all about THE
STORY. We take the craft of storytelling
just as seriously as the animation production itself. We believe in
strong memorable characters audiences will instantly empathize with that
have unique stories to tell.
> Original
King Bee Entertainment are very conscious of developing animated properties
with innovative concepts that will truly stand out in the crowds.
Animation in many respects is still a relatively young industry and
thus many new unexplored themes and types of shows are waiting to
be made for all varieties of audiences. As the media avenues are ever
expanding from TV to web to mobile and beyond - King Bee Entertainment
are working logically and laterally to create highly original animated
series with strategically marketed brands with large merchandising
and long-term audience sustainability in mind.
> Prime Time Animation
Series Production
King Bee Entertainment are passionate about Prime Time Animation.
We are currently developing three animated properties for the Prime
Time market including 'Soap
City' an
animated soap opera for the whole family that blends all the drama
of prime time serials like The OC and Melrose Place with the quirky
imagination & zany characters reminiscent of the Simpsons & classic
Loony Tunes. For teenagers, students and the 20-30 year old market
we are proud to be creating 'The
Non Stop Cartoon Sketch Show' -
A truly insane assortment of psychedelic surreal Monty-Python-esque
humour featuring a wide variety of cartoon styles from quirky 2D and
cut-out through to live action fused with 2D.
> Children's Animation
Series Production
We have two interactive animated properties for childrens animation
including 'Ivan
& Sam' an
educational animated children's cartoon that tackles cancer from a
childs' perspective. Another highly interactive flash animated cartoon
is 'Wheelie
Wednesdays' - A show all about
talking dust bins and dust carts that excites and inspires children
to interact and get involved in recycling - The creators of the show
are Georgia Labelda & Joanna Nathan.
Work for Hire
King Bee Entertainment are fully available for work for hire animated
series productions. We are highly skilled in all forms of digital
animation production from CGI 3d through to Flash and are highly versatile
in our approach and use of technologies. We are always interested
in new animating new series productions, assisting in any stage of
production from visual development through to post-production.
Feel Free to give us a buzz on + 44
845 601 6424 or email info@KingBeeEntertainment.com.
King Bee are always pushing the boundaries with stylistic originality.
We have even developed a unique web site completely dedicated to helping
find any animation style you require: www.AnimationStyles.com.
> Partnerships
King Bee are actively involved in building strong overseas partnerships
with production, distribution & merchandising companies. Feel
free to get in touch if you think we can work together: Partners@KingBeeEntertainment.com